Limestone Cleaning London
Learn About Outstanding Limestone Cleaning London.
- If you require Limestone cleaning, our company can help you.
- Our technicians have been cleaning and polishing Limestone floors within the London region for over two decades.
- Get your complimentary, no-obligation limestone cleaning quote from our trustworthy specialists.
Our Limestone Cleaning Process
![Limestone Cleaning [region] Limestone Cleaning Work In London](/wp-content/uploads/Limestone-Floor-Cleaning-1.jpg)
Specailists get started by putting on a Limestone floor cleaning treatment on the floor. The cleaner is left to work for upto 20 minutes to allow it to breakdown the grease laden. We also use scrubbing machines to scrub the cleaner into the Limestone.
Once the scrubbing is done, we get rid of the cleaning slurry and examine the state of the floor. We repeat the scrubbing until the floor has released all the soil. With polished and honed Limestone, a single scrubbing and rinsing step is usually adequate to remove the ingrained sloil. However, with Tumbled Limestone and Brushed Limestone tiles, the cleaning might need several applications.
After scrubbing, there can still be trapped soil in the surface of Brushed and Tumbled Limestone, and in the grout.
If there is some residual soil after the scrubbing, we are able to use hot pressure rinsing machines. Hot pressurised rinsing propels heated water deep into the holes and pores in the Limestone and the grout, to get at the dirt that the scrubbing machine could not get rid of. It is often surprising how more soil the hot rinsing equipment takes out.
Pressure rinsing is almost certainly not suited to very porous or soft Limestone, as it can create a shadow pattern from the cleaning.
Limestone Polishing

Polishing Limestone is required once the shine has worn away from the polished Limestone through wear and other damage.
Limestone polishing begins using diamond honing equipment to take out any surface imperfections to prepare the floor for polishing.
Fine diamond grits makes a honed surface. If you prefer a high , after diamond polishing, we use Limestone polishing compound to provide a polished gloss.
Limestone Restoration

Limestone restoration work starts by inspecting the floor for problems. Usually using strong detergents and also shoe traffic degrades the surface on Limestone.
The result is a scratched, permeable finish with microscopic, holes that attract soil. When this occurs, the initial surface is taken off by grinding and also honing.
This technique is called restoraion. We use different Limestone floor restoration products such as; diamonds for honing and also grinding, resin fillers, grouts and polishing compounds to produce a gloss shine.
Wear on older Limestone floors is a consequence of many years, perhaps decades, of footfall. Laminations within the stone can splinter, slabs may crack, and the tile subfloor cound move.
The wear is also a reminder of the building’s history, it is therefore often preferable to accept these flaws rather than disturb a vintage Limestone floor. Most of the time, these heratige floors are laid in listed heritage buildings and also any tasks are rigorously controlled by the Heritage authorities.
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Schedule your Limestone cleaning London quote now.Limestone Sealing
Sealing Limestone commences by evaluating the kind of Limestone and the state of the sub-floor.
Sealing Limestone Floors With No A Damp-Proof Membrane Layer

Limestone has been used as since the stone age. Buildings prior to the mid-1950s may have their stone floors set straight onto compact earth, chalk or lime-based mortar.
These kinds of floors want to permit the free flow of moisture through the floor base, which impacts the selection for a Limestone sealer.
These kinds of floors should be sealed with a penetrating sealer to keep up the free movement of moisture.
Applying A Sealer To A Polished Limestone Floor
To keep the natural finish of polished Limestone, an impregnating sealer is usually applied. A couple of coats of sealer should be sufficient for polished Limestone. On a polished Limestone floor, the sealer should really be re-applied regularly. An impregnating sealer will not stop acid spills etching the Limestone. {Which means acid spills such as [xfield_acid-spills] will penetrate the impregnating sealer on the Limestone floor, leaving a dull etch mark.} Strong coloured acid spills will etch and stain the Limestone.
Sealing Honed Limestone Floor Tiles
Limestone tiles with a honed finish will have a dull matt or sheen finish. Stone is more porous than polished Limestone, but less porous than tumbled Limestone. If you want a natural matt-look, an impregnating sealer retains the initial finish. As with polished Limestone, an impregnating sealer will not stop acid etching.
Honed Limestone may have a film-forming or surface sealer. Because name implies, the sealer creates a protective film the outer lining of the tiles. This film gives increased protection from damage from acid etching. The protective film will act as a sacrificial wear surface, accepting damage from shoe traffic rather than the surface of the tile . As the protective sealer is on top of the Limestone, we advise using a couple of coats of impregnating sealer first. The impregnating sealer helps protect the stone in places where the surface film wears away.
A surface sealer lasts for two to four years before it requires topping up. We advise keeping track of high wear regions every 6 months to check on for wear. If an area is indicating wear, clean areas to take away any surface soil, then top the spot up with one or two coats of new surfcae sealer.
Using this system, a floor Limestone protective sealer will last for years, without suffering from an awful build up of Limestone sealer on parts of the floor that don’t need more sealer.
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Book a quote for your Limestone cleaning LondonFrequently Asked Questions
How do you clean dirty limestone?
First, remove any loose dirt/debris. Then mix two to three drops of neutral stone cleaner in a bucket of warm water. Be sure to use neutral stone cleaner and not household cleaning products, because these can damage the stone.
Can you use vinegar to clean limestone?
Don't use vinegar, lemon juice, or other cleaners containing acids on marble, limestone, travertine, or onyx surfaces. Don't use cleaners that contain acid such as bathroom cleaners, grout cleaners, or tile cleaners. Don't use abrasive cleaners.
How do you clean unsealed limestone?
Scrub the surface with a with a soft-bristled, non-metallic scrub brush ans a ph neutral Limestone cleaner. Rinse the stone with clean water and wipe clean with a microfiber cloth.
What causes black stains on limestone?
Chemicals from air pollution react with the stone to stain the stone. Also lichen develops to make black and white coloured spots.
Will bleach damage limestone?
Bleach should never be used on any limestone surface as it will damage the finish. If you accidentally spill bleach on Limestone, rinse with penty of clean water and dry.
Does limestone stain easily?
Limestone is more porous than other stone, and usually light in color, so is more easily stained.